Kinda like Michael Corleone said in the Godfather, “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” The mixtape game has been dead for years. Honestly, in my eyes the hip hop game is almost dead, or at least the artform and lifestyle aspect of it. Sure, there are millions of dollars being made by talentless people and executive puppet masters but what happened to doing things for expression and the culture instead of just the almighty dollar. It’s been far too long that I heard a mixtape or even an album I could play front to back and put me in “my zone” We all know that zone a good mixtape or album can take us. Left lane music. A soundtrack to headbutt a rhino. I’ve been longing for that for a while. Since nobody was making anything to move me I made something to inspire myself and hopefully others as well. I’ve come out of my mixtape retirement to add one final entry to the classic catalog. Hopefully it will ignite a spark somewhere to keep the fires of originality spreading. Enjoy and please spread the word on all social media platforms. There might even be a lesson or two to be learned somewhere in there.


Below you will find a free streaming version. You can also get the limited edition collectors item cd and an autographed poster by placing an order in the online store. You can also donateĀ  crypto currency to one of my wallets if you appreciate my efforts.

Bitcoin wallet – 1xM5vCst6PRmnvbe2bRdQAigAGZUy3xAA

Ethereum wallet – 0x3E8ab436BEa36cf1606b9C60fE560fDD543b5Eed