What it do? Once again, time is flying and this rollercoaster called life doesn’t take a break. It’s been a few months since I posted here but it feels like days. I’ve cranked out a bunch of videos on my 3 YouTube channels so be sure to catch up on all the latest. I also am about to embark on a European screening tour. It’s 2024 and things have changed forever. The “club” scene is pretty much over compared to what It once was and on top of that I’m an old guy now and I need to be in my bed by a certain time instead of partying all night. Lol While I no longer have the interest or passion to do extended dj sets at nightclubs I still enjoy performing and tearing up some turntables so it was time to go in a new direction. Patrons are looking for a different experience and that is what this run will provide. I will be in the building for the screening of “Hard Time” The Movie that I acted in as well as edited and scored and as a bonus feature we will show a documentary on my group Das Efx. An afterparty will follow featuring a turntable showcase by me and the other djs on hand will handle the afterparty from there. That sounds like something new for the people that I looking forward to enjoying. If I’m in your town, come thru!
#dj #rondevu #hiphop #rap #dasefx #movies #screening #shortfilm #documentary #afterparty #tour